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Reference Check
CA$1.00 per source
Hire an expert to check your paper's references.
What's included?
When you hire Magnum Proofreading for a Reference Check, an expert will:
Check your references section and all in-text citations for proper form and punctuation
Make sure all references have corresponding in-text citations and vice versa
Point out references that have typos or missing information
Verify that all links provided in your references lead to the appropriate web pages
Ensure that the formatting of your references section adheres to your preferred style guide—we check for APA, MLA, Chicago style, and more.
You can request a Reference Check as a stand-alone service by using the form below, or you can combine it with our Economic Proofreading Service, Standard Proofreading Service, or Premium Proofreading Service.
Place an Order
Use the form below to send us your document. After we verify the number of references in your paper, you will receive an email with an official quote and payment instructions.
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